How did you get into retail?
I wasn't born behind the counter but have spent over ¾ of my life in and around the business! My parents purchased a closed down store in the early 90s and we have traded and lived in the area since and now our family owns the whole parade of shops.
I have been actively involved in the business over the past 20 years, but had a more hands on involvement over the past 9 years with the building and opening of the new site that we are currently trading from.
What do you enjoy most about retail?
I most enjoy the interaction with our customers, over the past 30 years we have become a big part of the local community and we still have some regular customers who have been shopping with us for the whole period and feel more like family members. On the industry side I really enjoy connecting with my fellow retailers and getting more involved with brands and trade organisations, I am fortunate to sit on the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) independent board and various brand panels such as Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, Budweiser and *Shopt, I feel these experiences have not only helped my business grow but also me personally too.
Why One Stop?
My family had been members of Londis since 1992 and were so right through to 2015, so that itself is a demonstration of the loyalty my parents had to the group but moving forward and in a post Musgrave ownership period One Stop were in our opinion the best fit for us as a family and also the local area as they were a more professional outfit and more modern way of retailing.
If not One Stop, which other symbol group offerings are strong at the moment?
I really like what Parfetts are doing right now, their own label offering is market leading and shows they really understand the needs of their own customers and their communities. Last year saw the opening of a new depot in Birmingham, I've become a member and was quite surprised by their pricing, there is a lot of value and the special offers still keep some margin for the retailer.
I also like what Bestway are currently doing with Costcutter and the Bargain Booze brand, I think there is still lots more potential from them to grow over the coming years. I'm interested to see if there is anymore developments on their collaboration with Iceland, I remember being impressed by the frozen offering at Triple A Food Hall in Nuneaton.
In terms of another franchise option, it is exciting to see what Morrisons have to offer with their Daily brand but I still think it will take some more years to get to the stage where they have a fully supported franchise team and their own EPOS and IT network, but still definitely one to watch!
How has an increase in your social media presence helped store sales?
Over the past decade and especially the last few years we have definitely seen an increase in the usage of social media, it has allowed us to communicate faster and more directly to our customers and also have some influence on purchases which will may increase sales over time. However it must be noted, although there is a vast array of tools that can be used to provide analytics for social media posts it is still difficult to fully say if a particular post exactly had a impact on a sale, one way there would be proof of this would be if it was a click to purchase online and delivery from the post or if the post had a discount code that could be used in store.
What is the next big thing for c-stores after delivery, social media etc..
I think we will still see growth in delivery and more so click and collect services. I believe there is a huge opportunity to see more opportunities with non branded parcel service lockers that will be open to multi delivery operators rather than a Amazon branded one that has become the most common ones.
I also think with the closure of more High Street banks there maybe the opportunity for C-Stores to offer these services outside of a Post Office.
What would you be doing if you were not a retailer?
I have always been interested in business and used to be the president of a Coventry University Soul Society which I used as a platform to start organising music events for fellow students. I expect I may of followed that path and took it to a further level with larger venues and artist management. I also have a interest in marketing and branding, a lot of which I still get to utilise in the retail industry.
What are the most recent brands you’ve worked with and are there any you would like to work with?
As I mentioned on a previous question I am fortunate to work directly with some fantastic global brands and also PR agencies and earlier this year I was able to combine the two and become one of the founding members of the Retailer Inner Cirkle, the group was created to help build the relationship between brands and retailers for the betterment of all stakeholders.
I am always open to working with brands if it means that myself and fellow retailers can have a direct input on campaigns and strategies, there has been clear evidence of this with recent campaigns we have been involved in such as PepsiCo Walkers Extra Flamin Hot launch, which saw record numbers in terms of engagement online and initial sales for a NPD. Being involved in the very early stages of marketing and display discussions, retailers were able to help shape the direction of the campaign in independent stores which resulted in a successful launch for all.
Recently I have just returned from a trip to Hungary with Hell Energy to attend the opening of their new mega factory which is now the world's largest soft drinks factory. This was a fascinating experience to see first hand how the company now have the capacity to make 9 millions canned drinks a day and that they have full ownership of the whole process from can creation to filling and packing. Another highlight of the trip was seeing how big the brands presence is in it's home country. You couldn't walk more than 100m down the street without seeing a billboard, store display or somebody drinking the drink. Definitely a brand to watch in terms of their growth in UK over the coming years.
Out of the retail environment, what other interests do you have?
I have a big interest in sports and in particular football, cricket and boxing.
Travelling is also something I love to do, I've always been interested in learning about different cultures and history and feel that traveling is a great way to do this, although admittedly being an independent retailer does restrict this at times and it is something I'm hoping to change over time so that I can experience more.
Last year I started a new healthier lifestyle routine and I did see some good results physically and mentally, I'm looking to get back on track with this over the next months, so I'm hoping for good weather and to be spending as much time outdoors walking and hiking as I can.
Best advice you can give to the next gen retailers and first time buyers?
Research is very important and speaking to other retailers who have experience and knowledge of the industry is one of the most vital things, so I would always recommend speaking to someone first whether it is about joining a new symbol group, purchasing a new site or even stocking a new product.
We should always remember that there will always be another retailer who has taken the step before you and the more we discuss our experiences and ideas, in the future we will all grow together.
Joining a trade organisation such as the ACS or The Fed is also crucial as they offer access to a support network with like minded retailers and brands, important industry advice and all things related to legislation and the Government. Being an active part of the ACS has allowed me to learn so much about the industry and Government policy, I've also been able to travel to 4 different countries on study tours which has been a great experience as I've always taken something away as an idea from each trip and implemented it in store.
A huge thanks to Aman Uppal for his time and there are more retailer focused blogs in the pipeline coming soon..